
Hypnosis Programs for a More Wonderful Life

Personal Transformation Hypnosis & NLP Series

6 Weeks: Confidence, Charisma, Self-Image, Motivation, Creativity, Positivity and Happiness…

Peak Power & Performance Hypnosis Program

Peak Performance: Creating Positive Habits of Success, Efficient Action in a ‘Flow State’ Refreshment, Creativity and More.

Releasing & Letting Go Hypnosis Collection

Peak Performance: Creating Positive Habits of Success, Efficient Action in a ‘Flow State’ Refreshment, Creativity and More

Nature Liminals

Nature Liminals: Pure Liminal Hypnotic Affirmations with Nature Soundscapes.

These are designed to be listened to while: reading, working, relaxing, stretching or exercising… you can listen to them while you’re writing, designing, creating, anytime. Find Out More

Intention Setting & Goal Getting Hypnosis & NLP Series

6 Weeks: Clarity, Focus, Opportunity, Effortlessness, Maximizing Right Now and Making the Future Fantastic.

Yoga Nidra The Yoga of Waking Sleep

The ancient practice of deep meditation that has been revered for centuries for its powerful effects on the mind, body & spirit.

Hypnotic PowerNap Package 8 Powerful Mental Recharges

The Secret Used By Great Inventors, Artists, Thinkers and Go Getters… Power Napping. 8x 11 Minute Mental Recharges.

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