Autosuggestion and Self-Hypnosis

Exploring: Autosuggestion & Self-Hypnosis. A Powerful Combination for Change. Online Video Workshop

This is literally about you using the power of Autosuggestion and Self-Hypnosis, for whatever reason you want…

Learning the skills to become your own Self-Hypnotist. Making you the Conscious Architect of Your Life.

Physical healing happens all the time with hypnosis and through autosuggestion.
Mental habits and behaviour change is a daily occurrence with hypnosis.
Spiritual awakenings happen all the time…

In this workshop you’ll learn about creating these kind of environments for: Physical, Mental and Spiritual Transformation… with Autosuggestion and Self-Hypnosis.

You Have the Potential to:

Trigger the Self-Healing Mechanism
Make Behaviour Change
Gain insights…
…deep insights into how and why you do what you do. So you can change what you do, to get what you want

Secrets of Hypnosis Workshop: Autosuggestion and Self-Hypnosis

During the 7 days following the workshop you can watch and re-watch it. And write to me… You can ask me questions if you didn’t understand something or want clarification.

And ask about how you can use what you learned in your situation.

It’s not just a workshop

On Thursday the 3rd of August 2023, the follow up Audio Recording will be released with access to any supporting media appropriate and specific to the Workshop Group attendees.

This Audio recording will include answers your questions, and actionable steps for applying this into the ‘real world’ so you can further understanding how to apply the skills you learnt on the Video Workshop to make your life more awesome, the way you want it.

If you want to know how you can apply Autosuggestion and Self-Hypnosis directly into your life situation, e.g: weight-loss, abundance, love, whatever your focus is… write to me.

This Workshop is Over

Get on the Early bird list for the next one?